Same-Day Clinic
Brandon Clinic Family Physician or Pediatrician patients:
​Brandon Clinic patients have access to same-day appointments either virtually or in person with a “same-day cinic” family physician or access to an appointment with your own Family Physician/Pediatrician by calling your Family Physician or Pediatrician's station directly. Online booking options for sameday clinic will start Monday May 13, 2024
To contact your physician, please call the Brandon Clinic switchboard at 204-728-4440 and follow the prompts. Please note that our phone system as changed so please listen to the updated options.
If you are enrolled with a Family Physician OUTSIDE of the Brandon Clinic, please contact their office directly for your medical needs.
If you do not have a family physician:
Brandon Clinic currently has family physicians accepting new patients.
Register with family doctor finder and request Brandon Clinic
To register for family doctor finder, you can apply online: https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/familydoctorfinder/index.html. To register by phone, please call the contact centre between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday at: 1-204-786-7111 (in Winnipeg) or Toll-free at 1-866-690-8260; TTY/TDD call 774-8618 or Manitoba Relay Services toll-free 1-800-855-0511. Or Click on the links provided below.
For NON-URGENT medical needs you may contact Health Links Manitoba by phone. Health Links-Info Santé is a telephone health information service staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by knowledgeable, experienced nurses and is free of charge everywhere in Manitoba. Call 1-888-315-9257 toll-free or click on the links provided below.